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Tag Archives: summer vacation
Tweens and Social Media
Now that Facebook has finally gone public and lawsuits have been launched about the process, will the media frenzy about it subside? Attention is already being paid to other social media sites – including those aimed at kids, tweens and teens. With summer beginning and school out in the next couple of weeks, soon your kids will be having more time on their hands. Are you concerned about how they may be spending it? Parents try to keep an eye on how and where their children are on the Internet, … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged Facebook, Internet, kids, online, parenting, photo sharing, safety, social media, summer vacation, teens, tweens, video sharing
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Working Parents’ Dilemma with Kids on Vacation
Are you already stressing about how to keep your kids busy while you’re working and they’re on summer break? Don’t forget to count on their grandparents who always want to see more of them. And talk with friends who have the same issues and may want to swap one day a week. Encourage reading. Talk with your kids and listen to what they have to say about their summer reading ideas. Reading is a great habit to nurture. Most public libraries support a reading program with some sort of positive … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged camp, chores, family time, kids, reading, summer vacation, technology, working moms
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Balancing Kids’ Summer Plans with Your Work Life
Like most of us, you must be wondering where the time has gone. Didn’t it seems like only yesterday you were buying backpacks and lunch boxes in preparation for the school year? For families, June is a busy month with graduation parties, little league finals and music recitals. And right around the corner is summer vacation – lazy days for kids but stressful for working parents. If you haven’t made your plans yet, here are some ideas to help you create a work/family balance: Photo courtesy of Photostock Stay flexible. … Continue reading
Posted in parenting kids
Tagged child care, Grandparents, parents, staycation, stress, summer vacation, teenagers, work/life balance, working moms
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