Mass Murders: Helping Families Cope

This time it’s Roseburg, Oregon, where families are mourning loved ones who were killed while in class at Umpqua Community College. It was the deadliest U.S. mass shooting in two years and the bloodiest in Oregon’s modern history. It’s astonishing how many times we’ve blogged about this dreadful subject. READ HERE: With the 2011 killings at a political rally in Arizona, we wrote about stress, optimism and recovery. After the 2012 Sandy Hook School massacre in Connecticut, our focus was on finding hope by taking action. With the horrendous bombings … Continue reading

Families Cope with College Expenses

College tuition in the United States, one of the most expensive in the world, has increased an average of 50% in the past ten years, significantly affecting the budgets of families of Millennials across the country. And today 40 million graduates themselves are saddled with at least one loan – at an average of about $30,000. Total student debt has risen to over $1.2 trillion, affecting the ability of Millennials to move forward with other major purchases and causing many to return home as boomerang kids. Although a college education … Continue reading

Family Transitions

When your Millennials left home, were you more worried about their being comfortable in college or your adjustment to their absence? Navigating transitions can be complicated. Yet when you let go of hands-on mothering, you’re free to begin a new chapter. Imagine creating a more grown-up nest, igniting old passions or embracing deferred goals. This transition signifies the end of an era when the house was full of growing children and activity. Try to visualize more simplicity and less chaos. Think about cleaning out drawers and closets, giving away stuff no … Continue reading

Grandparents Week

National Grandparents Day has been celebrated in the United States every year since 1978 on the first Sunday after Labor Day. It gives both grandchildren and grandparents an opportunity to reflect on the importance of each other. The statute establishing the holiday includes these words about the purpose of Grandparents Day: “…to honor grandparents, to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children’s children, and to help children become aware of strength, information, and guidance older people can offer.” Grandparents of babies revel in the thrill of new life … Continue reading