In the Middle of the Sandwich Generation

What’s your priority? Your mother-in-law needs a ride to the doctor and your dad’s calling on the phone because he can’t remember that you just hung up. Last week, your older son asked if he could move home to save money for graduate school. And now your teenager needs help with her science project, due tomorrow, an hour before your board meeting. Sounds familiar? Welcome to the Sandwich Generation. You’re part of an increasing number of Americans facing the challenges of kids growing up and parents growing older. Perhaps you have … Continue reading

Sandwich Generation Roommates

Baby Boomers are joining the ranks of the Sandwich Generation in droves, with multi-generational households on the rise. As the children of Boomers struggle with a financial trifecta of the still sagging economy, high student loan debt and underemployment, many Millennials are returning to the nest as Boomerang Kids. At the same time, Boomers’ aging parents are feeling a financial pinch as their retirement incomes dwindle, causing some to make changes in their housing. Boomers who had dreamed about enjoying an empty nest may instead find themselves hosting their parents … Continue reading

Virtual Book Tour with Susan Shaffer and Linda Gordon

We are so pleased to welcome to Her Mentor Center today authors Susan Morris Shaffer and Linda Perlman Gordon who will be chatting with us about How to Connect with Your iTeen; A Parenting Road Map. Their book provides a guide for parents of teens in the digital age – and if you’ve been around teenagers lately, you’ve likely noticed that they seem to be more connected to their electronic devices than to their families. As parenting experts Susan and Linda have consulted with families of teens about the complex … Continue reading

Breast Cancer Awareness Year Round

As a Breast Cancer survivor myself, I’m passionate about keeping women aware of the advantages of regular screening and early detection. Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, every year at this time I’ve raised my voice in support of the recommendations for mammography, which is generally effective in discovering a cancer. Identifying breast cancer while the tumor is still small allows for earlier treatment, likely leading to a better quality of life. The current emphasis by physicians is on targeted treatment with individualized precision, based on the tumor … Continue reading