Virtual Book Tour: “The Spirituality of Age”

Today we are thrilled to host Robert L. Weber, Ph.D. and feature the book he co-authored with Carol Orsborn, Ph.D., “The Spirituality of Age: A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older.” Weber is a clinical psychologist, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Part Time, in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Assistant in Psychology at Massachusetts General Hospital. A former Jesuit, he served in the order for 10 years. Drawing from the latest research in psychological and religious theory, Weber and Orsborn provide their own conversational and candid answers to … Continue reading

Balance – what is it?

Wellness pundits encourage us to seek balance in our lives, but generally don’t provide much detail about how to accomplish that feat. Here are some thoughts to help guide you. Let’s first take a look at what balance is not. As it appears in the yin-yang symbol, equilibrium is not static but fluid, changing in response to your personal environment. Balance does not mean pursuing activities with a measured reserve – rather, being passionate about what you are doing when you are doing it. The intensity is not muted and … Continue reading

The Kindness of Boomers and Millennials

A friendly encounter or gentle conversation has the power to set the tone for your whole day. And your attitude can be a catalyst to an act of Generativity, a term coined by Dr. Erik Erickson. He describes a stage of psychosocial development when older adults have a strong desire to give back. It often takes the form of nurturing actions or creating changes that help others. A prime example is that older adults display generativity every day to their families and communities. And studies show that two-way supportive relationships between … Continue reading

Sweet ’16

What does the phrase “Sweet 16” bring to mind for you? For me, it’s the surprise party my parents threw for me on my sixteenth birthday. For the men in my family now, it’s the excitement of college basketball teams on the “road to the Final Four.” But for all of us today, it’s the hope that 2016 will bring more joy into our lives and less anxiety. If you’re a parent of a Millennial, here are some tips for increasing your family’s long-term happiness in 2016 while you decrease … Continue reading